
The data below is intended to summarize key demographic components of the Eaton Fire burn area.





Total Population

(ACS 5-yr, 2023)

Population aged 65+

(ACS 5-yr, 2023)

Immigrant Population

(ACS 5-yr, 2023)

Average Household Size

(ACS 5-yr, 2023)

Within the affected areas, 14% of the population is Black, which is nearly double the Los Angeles County average of 8%.
As of 2023, 54% of the population within the burn area was born in California.
As of 2023, about 21% of residents within the burn area were above the age of 65. This is about 6 percentage points higher than the Los Angeles County average of 15%.

Housing & Real Estate

The data below is intended to summarize the housing and real estate landscape of the Eaton Fire burn area.


Median Gross Rent

(ACS 5-yr, 2023)


Rent Burden

(ACS 5-yr, 2023)


Renter Rate

(ACS 5-yr, 2023)


Single Family Units

(ACS 5-yr, 2023)

The median home value within the burn areas is $1,130,000, approximately $350,000 more than the Los Angeles County average.
As of 2023, nearly 87% of housing within the burn area was built before 1979.
Nearly 75% of residents within the burn area are homeowners, significantly higher than the Los Angeles County average of 46%.

Health & Environment

The data below is intended to summarize key health and environmental indicators across the Eaton Fire burn area.


Wildfire Percentile

(FEMA, 2023)


All Green Coverage

(NAIP, 2022)

81 y/o

Life Expectancy
(National Center for Health Statistics, 2015)


Existing Tree Canopy

(CURes at LMU, 2016)

Around 34% of the burn area is covered by vegetation. This is significantly higher than the Los Angeles County average of 20%.
As of 2023, the impacted areas were exposed to wildfire risks at a rate higher than 56% of other at-risk communities nation-wide.
About 9% of residents within the burn area suffer from asthma. Wildfire smoke contains a mix of pollutants that can trigger and worsen respiratory symptoms.

Employment & Income

The data below is intended to summarize key employment and income indicators across the Eaton Fire burn area.


Median Household Income

(ACS 5-yr, 2023)


Opportunity Youth

(ACS 5-yr, 2022)


Unemployment Rate

(ACS 5-yr, 2023)


Within the burn area, 9% of youth ages 16-24 are considered opportunity youth, meaning they are neither working nor in school.
About 3% of households within the impacted area have received some form of cash public assistance in the last 12 months (such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or TANF).
About 11% of households in the affected burn areas are classified as extremely low-income, meaning they earn no more than 30% of the median family income in the Los Angeles Metro Area.

Explore more indicators for the impacted areas on the NDSC map below.

If you are in need of support, we encourage you to utilize the resource directory from Los Angeles County Recovers.

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