Regional Recovery Hub

Locally led, community-based organizations (CBOs) have and continue to play the roles of safety net “intermediaries” and advocates within and on behalf of vulnerable communities. It is the ecosystem of local service and advocacy nonprofits in the most vulnerable Los Angeles communities that provide the support to address structural inequities.

Local nonprofit partners leverage critical assets that can be characterized by their ability to be intimately familiar with community needs and their status as trusted community messengers. However, COVID-19 ravaged the nonprofit sector, destabilizing this critical ecosystem while simultaneously, community members looked to them to support recovery. 

To mitigate the ongoing devastation in low-income, immigrant, Black and brown communities, the California Community Foundation focused on strengthening place-based coordination and community-based nonprofit infrastructure in five regions which include the San Fernando Valley, Antelope Valley, Southeast LA, Long Beach, and the San Gabriel Valley. These communities were selected as a result of a spatial analysis that found these regional clusters demonstrated not only density in COVID-19 cases, but also a concentration of other socioeconomic vulnerability factors. 

The Regional Recovery Hubs (RRH), shown on the map below, spearheaded community recovery in their respective regions following the impacts of the pandemic. These include Active SGV, Antelope Valley Partners for Health (AVPH), Centro CHA, Pacoima Beautiful, and the SELA Collaborative.

The Regional Recovery Hub (RRH) model implemented three paths to strengthen Community Based Organization’s (CBO) relationship to data:

  • The Neighborhood Data for Social Change (NDSC) at the University of Southern California supported data literacy through working directly with CBOs across all six regions. NDSC utilized their open source platform to support CBOs ability to communicate their hyper local issues to community members & external stakeholders.
  • NDSC developed individual data stories, pairing precise data with rich narratives, beautiful photos, and interactive maps and visualizations. The stories have the potential to serve as a powerful vehicle to amplify the voices of often ignored or marginalized organizations working to advocate for a better life within their communities. 
  • The RRH also helped facilitate a community survey which focused on the impacts of COVID-19. The survey also had multiple branches tailored to each region’s unique characteristics. The survey was led by the Pat Brown Institute and BSP Research. It included over 3000 participants throughout Los Angeles County. RRH also sourced an additional 100 survey participants per region. After the survey, RRH held survey data briefings with community members, elected officials, CBOs, and other external stakeholders.

Antelope Valley Partners for Health

Created for 

Active San Gabriel Valley

Created for 

Pacoima Beautiful

Created for 

Centro CHA

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