
Learn More Why is this important? The health policy area explores data on rates of insurance and immunization as well as the prevalence of conditions like obesity, asthma, and low…

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A lake with rippling waters and a park bench fill the foreground leading back to the skyscrapers of downtown skyline Los Angeles, California


Learn More Why is this important? The environmental policy area explores data on general pollution as well as air and water quality in Los Angeles County. Environmental policy is guided…

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Learn More Why is this important? The education policy area explores data on education levels across the county, our children's academic performance, and the process of learning English as a…

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Employment & Income
Image of construction worker on construction site, working on site where skyscraper is being built. Manual worker has protective helmet and protective uniform. Image taken with Nikon D800 and professional Nikon lens, developed from RAW in highest resolution. Location: Novi Sad, Serbia, Europe

Employment & Income

Learn More Why is this important? The employment and income policy area is focused on understanding income levels, poverty, and employment across a wide array of sectors in Los Angeles…

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