Healthy People in a Healthy Antelope Valley
In 2022, the California Community Foundation (CCF) launched the Regional Recovery Hub to strengthen place-based coordination in Los Angeles County regions that were most heavily impacted by
Variable Definitions:
Marijuana Dispensaries: The total count of marijuana & tobacco stores in a given area
City of Los Angeles Office of Finance
Years Available:
Methodology Note:
The original data comes at the point level. Our team geocoded the locations to generate X/Y coordinates, then spatial joined each point to 2020 Census Tracts.
Marijuana Dispensaries
Cal. Health & Safety (H&S) § 11362.5
Contreras. (2017). A Block-Level Analysis of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and Crime in the City of Los Angeles. Justice Quarterly, 34(6), 1069–1095. https://doi.org/10.1080/07418825.2016.1270346
Department of Cannabis Regulation. (2023). City of Los Angeles. Link
Freisthler, Ponicki, W. R., Gaidus, A., & Gruenewald, P. J. (2016). A micro-temporal geospatial analysis of medical marijuana dispensaries and crime in Long Beach, California. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 111(6), 1027–1035. https://doi.org/10.1111/add.13301
Lankenau, Tabb, L. P., Kioumarsi, A., Ataiants, J., Iverson, E., & Wong, C. F. (2019). Density of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and Current Marijuana Use among Young Adult Marijuana Users in Los Angeles. Substance Use & Misuse, 54(11), 1862–1874. https://doi.org/10.1080/10826084.2019.1618332
Los Angeles (LA) Municipal Code, 4 § 104.00
Mair, C., Freisthler, B., Ponicki, W. R., & Gaidus, A. (2015). The impacts of marijuana dispensary density and neighborhood ecology on marijuana abuse and dependence. Drug and alcohol dependence, 154, 111–116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.06.019
Office of Cannabis Management. (2023). Los Angeles County Consumer & Business Affairs. Link
In 2022, the California Community Foundation (CCF) launched the Regional Recovery Hub to strengthen place-based coordination in Los Angeles County regions that were most heavily impacted by
Health & Wealth Beyond genetics, many factors affect our health – some are related to personal behaviors and lifestyle choices, but others are connected to
Martha Gonzalez has been knocking on doors in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles since 2017. She confronts apathy, ignorance, and disinformation in the