Economic & Financial Education for Students
The Value of Economics Many people view economics as the specialized domain of academics and professionals, but economics can be applied to a wide swath
Variable Definitions:
Total EL Students: The total number of students learning English as a second language
California Department of Education (CDE) Ed-Data/Data Quest
Years Available:
2015 – 2024
*The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in statewide physical school closures in February/March 2020 followed by the widespread implementation of distance learning during the 2020–21 academic year. The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends caution when comparing discipline data across academic years. The CDE is not publishing “Reclassified as Fluent English Proficient” (RFEP) reports calculating RFEP rates for years beyond 2021 due to a change in reporting methodology.
The original data comes at the school level. Our team geocoded the school locations to generate X/Y coordinates, then spatial joined each point to 2020 Census Tracts.
The CDE reported a small number of census tracts as having more reclassified students than students in the class for the previous year. These census tracts will have a reclassification rate of slightly over 100% as a result.
The total count of English Language Learners shows the number of students learning English as a second language, regardless of their first language. This measurement reflects the diversity and immigration trends of Los Angeles’s population, and how communities are seeking to prepare non-English speaking students for future education and professional life.
With LA’s population expected to continue to grow more diverse, it is important to acknowledge the difficulties and extra efforts it takes to learn English as a second language. Studies show that a student’s ability to learn English impacts their ability to learn other school subjects. One of the challenges that comes with learning English in school are the diverse life experiences of students’ and the individual needs they may require to learn effectively, such as consideration of cultural differences in communication, immigration status, and previous academic proficiency in their native language. Additionally, local and national attitudes towards immigration may expose EL students to negative rhetoric which has shown to have negative effects on cognitive development and educational progression on children with undocumented parents. This can create an environment where non-English speaking children may not feel safe to learn.
Other common challenges EL students face are pronunciation struggles, overwhelming vocabulary, grammar rules, cultural differences, and motivation. Research shows that incorporating the students’ native language into instruction increases their English proficiency, along with many other teaching methods. Understanding local trends in EL students around LA allows schools or organizations to determine better practices and allocate necessary resources towards EL studies.
Written by Justin Culetu
DeLollis , B. (2021, December 6). How English as a Second Language Affects Learning. U.S. News. https://www.usnews.com/education/k12/articles/how-english-as-a-second-language-affects-learning
English, E. (2024, September 26). Common Challenges for ESL Students & How to Overcome Them. Excel English Institute. https://excelenglishinstitute.com/common-challenges-esl-students-face-and-how-to-overcome-them
Gándara, P., & Ee, J. (2018, February 28). U.S. Immigration Enforcement Policy and Its Impact on Teaching and Learning in the Nation’s Schools . civilrightsproject.ucle.edu. https://www.civilrightsproject.ucla.edu/research/k-12-education/immigration-immigrant-students/u.s.-immigration-enforcement-policy-and-its-impact-on-teaching-and-learning-in-the-nations-schools/Immigration-enforcement-on-schools-093018.pdf
Kahn , G., & Kao, T. (2021, August 24). A changing LA seen through census data. Crosstown. https://xtown.la/2021/08/24/los-angeles-census-2020/#:~:text=Los%20Angeles%20is%20more%20diverse,and%20now%20totals%20around%20791%2C000
McLaughlin, M. (Ed.). (2025, January 15). Potential Effects of New U.S. Immigration Policy on ESL Education. ESLteacherEDU.org. https://www.eslteacheredu.org/2017/02/potential-effects-of-new-u-s-immigration-policy-on-esl-education/
Ryan , E. (2010, March 1). Using Students’ Native Languages in the classroom: Rationale and strategies for monolingual teachers. vanderbilt.edu. https://ir.vanderbilt.edu/items/ddeba6c8-1e29-44e4-86c1-5da0ce6809b6
The Value of Economics Many people view economics as the specialized domain of academics and professionals, but economics can be applied to a wide swath
When the COVID-19 outbreak began in Los Angeles during March 2020, County leadership was quick to roll out several measures to stem the spread of
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