The Neighborhood Data for Social Change (NDSC) platform is a project of the USC Price Center for Social Innovation. NDSC is a free, publicly available online resource for civic actors to learn about the trends, challenges, and opportunities facing Los Angeles County neighborhoods. The platform helps tell the stories of L.A. neighborhoods through maps, charts, data analysis, and storytelling; helping community stakeholders track measurable change, improve local policies and programs, and ultimately advocate for a better quality of life within their communities.
Learn to use NDSC Los Angeles through the:
- Map: Explore Los Angeles across nine policy areas through the interactive map.
- Stories: Read data stories that illuminate trends across Los Angeles County neighborhoods using rich narrative, interactive visualizations, and beautiful photos.
- Data: Learn more about the data used across the site, where it came from, and why it’s important to measure.
- Training: Attend a free, community training workshop for the NDSC platform.
For additional information about NDSC, please contact Elly Schoen, Data & Project Manager, at