Variable Definitions:
Access to All Parks: The percentage of residents that live within 1/2 mile of a public parks that are included in 2022 LA County Parks Needs Assessment
Access to Good Parks: The percentage of residents that live within 1/2 mile of a public park that was considered to be in “good condition” by the 2022 LA County Parks Needs Assessment
Methodology Note:
Parks data was made available as a shapefile. The research team added a 1/2 mile buffer surrounding each park, then overlaid the data with 2020 Census Tracts to spatially analyze what portion of each tract lies within proximity to the parks.
The LA County Parks Needs Assessment focused on evaluating community parks and recreation areas around the county, but did not evaluate National Forests such as the Angeles National Forest on the same evaluation criterion. Thus, the Access to Good Parks map does not represent proximity to National Parks.
Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation: 2022 Parks Needs Assessment Plus
Years Available:
Why are these variables important to measure?
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