About NDSC
The Neighborhood Data for Social Change (NDSC) platform is a project of the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate. NDSC is a free, publicly available online resource for civic actors to learn about the trends, challenges, and opportunities facing Los Angeles County neighborhoods. The platform helps tell the stories of L.A. neighborhoods through maps, charts, data analysis, and storytelling, helping community stakeholders track measurable change, improve local policies and programs, and ultimately advocate for a better quality of life within their communities.
The NDSC platform supports strong local policy that is data informed and relevant to a wide range of local stakeholders, including: local governments, media, nonprofit organizations, advocacy groups, and the general public.
In addition to organizing and sharing data, NDSC helps local communities tell stories about shifts, changes, and challenges to local neighborhoods. The platform empowers community leaders and neighborhood organizations to better tell their stories by:
- Tracking measurable change within community or neighborhood boundaries
- Using data to more strategically plan community development strategies
- Assessing the impact of new policies, programs, or external shocks much more immediately
In partnership with KCET, NDSC helps tell the stories of L.A. neighborhood through maps, charts, data analysis, and storytelling; helping community stakeholders track measurable change, and ultimately advocate for a better quality of life within their communities. Click here to view our recent stories.
For additional information about NDSC, please contact Elly Schoen, Data & Project Manager, at ebschoen@usc.edu.
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